Summer church wedding: Lily & Theo's wedding story

3 Min Read


Fiesta church wedding nelyweds celebrating at dinner

Seeking tips on how to plan a unique church wedding? Look no further than Lily & Theo's cheerful ceremony, where tradition meets fiesta!

Their special day has a heartwarming touch, as Theo's father had the honour of marrying the couple on a beautiful sunny day. The celebration transformed into a vibrant al fresco dinner, complete with long tables, open-air dining, and even a touch of competition with beer pong! 

Newlyweds kissing at the alter

Lily & Theo could not of had a more sentimental wedding ceremony, than at St Michael & All Angels Church in Tettenhall, where Theo's father is a vicar and was able to marry the couple.

Though these two added their own flair for colour with a less conventional venue, for the ultimate church meets summer fiesta galore!

They made a space that was truly their own at The Atrium in Bridgnorth with a stunning light filled orangery, that felt as though they were dining outside, whilst bright pink and oragne flowers were draped across linen adorned tablscapes. Their magical reception, was a space that reflected their own "bright and wonderful wedding style!".

Newlyweds leaving the church confetti shot
Inside St Micheal's Church
Newlyweds leaving church

Childhood sweethearts, the couple met at age 12, talking during Physics lessons... the sparks were so strong Theo is now a physicist! By age 16 they started dating and "finally tied the knot at 27". 

Growing up together, the couple was excited to celebrate with all their home friends and family. A highlight for the couple was, "seeing everyone after the church ceremony when we walked out! It was so amazing to have everyone we love all in the same place!"

"We can’t imagine being happier than we were in that moment."

Friends celebrating at the wedding after party
Newlyweds at top table cheering with bright coloured flowers
Al fresco fiesta wedding dinner party
Couple cheers cocktails
Couple celebrating at the reception
Bride and groom dancing
wedding guests playing beer pong

Theo & Lily celebrated as newlyweds in jet-setter fashion, opting for an adventurous multi-destination honeymoon. Their adventure began in Antigua, perfect for relaxing, which was much "needed after all of the wedding stress and planning".

After recharging, these globe trotters toured major American cities, including New York and Washington to experience the bustling culture.

New York honeymoon
Washington D.C American honeymoon

Why did you choose Prezola for your gift list?

"We chose Prezola as it gave our guests the flexibility to present us with a gift of their choice, whether that be an experience, present to keep or money towards our honeymoon! We wanted people to be able to gift whatever type of present they wanted to and we’ve had really positive feedback that everyone loved the choices and way of doing it!"

Which items were you most excited to receive on your list?

"Idbury Fire Pit, as it was gifted to us by our family friends as a group gift which really meant a lot to us. We are so excited for the weather to get warmer so we can invite them over for a BBQ in the garden and to sit around the fire pit, chatting and making new memories."

Tell us about your Prezola delivery day!

"We were so excited to receive this huge box. Pulling it into the middle of the lounge and unpacking the gifts onto the floor and sofa felt like Christmas had come early, which was timely as it was mid-November!"